Gone Phishing ?
Phishing is when some nasty people try to trick you into revealing your log in details for your bank, email etc. Click here for a...

Avoid Scams - email and spam
Let's start with the basics, because this is a problem that we all suffer from in one form or another. So what is spam? Spam is unwanted...

Avoid Scams - Buying & Selling
As more and more of us are going online to buy or sell products, we have to be aware that there are some basic precautions that we have...

Cheap phone calls in UK & Europe
Holiday time is upon us and I've been asked for the best and lowest cost way to get mobile phone access and international calls whilst...

Looking for Free UK TV ?
Quite a few of my clients are Vatikim who still like to watch English language TV, and none of the digital ,HOT or YES channels have the...

Which is best free chat and video app?
While most of us have "unlimited" phone call, data and SMS deals on our smartphones, these apps have a number of serious advantages that...

Keep your passwords strong and secure
Hot tips on how to create secure passwords and keep them safe. Unsponsored and unbiased information.

Taxi? Get Raxi !
Do you use taxis in Israel? In the beginning there was Gett Taxi, then came Rider and Uber. In the beginning taxi's came really fast too,...

What's happening to Gmail?
Gmail is used by over 1.4 Billion users, but has hardly changed since 2012, which is a very long time in the hi-tech world. So, I...

Improving your phone battery life
Nothing is more annoying that having your smartphone battery " going flat" in the middle of the day, or even in early afternoon. It's...